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Please contact for inquiries. Last updated May 2022.

Rates $40-$160 to release a pair anywhere within a 75 mile radius of Glenwood Springs.  Map of region served.  (See below section for rates and more details).  Fee includes the optional display of the birds for 1 hour before release. Depending on distance, weather conditions, and terrain max release altitude is 8,500’-10,000’.  The well being of the birds comes first so I am unwilling to release them at greater distances from their home, over mountain ranges, or during severe weather. 

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They fly home!!  The birds enjoy flying together.  I only release close to home.  Not over treacherous mountain ranges or long distances. 

The birds are trained to fly home over long distances using their innate homing instinct.  When released the birds typically circle flying around the release spot several times to get oriented then within 1-2 minutes typically head off in the direction of Glenwood Springs where they live.   Rarely the birds may fly straight home without circling, especially  when released closer to home. They may also fly to a tree, building, or structure nearby for a few minutes before taking off.   There is no guarantee that they will circle the release location, but this is what typically happens.


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Rock Doves (Homing Pigeon)

White doves are actually homing pigeons (Rock Doves) selectively bred over time for their all white plumage and the ability to navigate home over long distances 300+ miles.   Pigeon members of the dove family columbidae are highly intelligent animals who enjoy flying together. The birds are not harmed in any way by the release; they always fly home and enjoy the flight.

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The doves are available for all events as long as event conditions do not jeopardize the safety of the birds.

Rates for Pair of Doves: Rates are $60 in Glenwood Springs.  The rates are $100 if the release location is less than 20 minutes drive from GWS.  The rate is $160 for any other distance less than 75 miles from Glenwood Springs. $20 per additional bird.  

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These discounted rates only apply if released during a funeral ceremony.    $40 in Glenwood Springs.  $100 within 50 miles.  For all other events, the normal rates apply.  Includes 2 to 6 doves depending on distance and other factors.

Discounted rates for funeral release only.

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White Rock Doves (homing pigeon)

The 75 miles radius is not due to travel constraints but rather to help ensure the safe return of the birds.  I am happy to release the pigeons or you may release them yourself. For the wellbeing of the birds I ask that only the individuals who plan to release them touch the birds. I always have at least two ready to fly but depending on whether my pigeons have squabs, are too young, the distance, etc. I may or may not have additional birds available. They live in a well appointed loft in West Glenwood and fly almost every day of the week.  

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These doves are my pets. They are treated like royalty during their downtime.   They live a full happy life loaded with adventure!  I am in it for the pigeons not the $$ you will not find a better rate around!

Although incredibly rare bird loss is unavoidable.   Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.  The odds of bird loss increases drastically with distance and physical obstacles like mountain ranges.  I only release in the area from Glenwood Springs to Aspen and Vail to Rifle for the wellbeing of my birds.   I have a full time job in education. I just do this for fun and a little extra income in the summer.    I love watching my birds fly and they love to fly!  I hope to share the wonder and awe they inspire with everyone!

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Although I have never lost a bird there is a slight possibility of a bird of prey attacking the pigeon. These birds are meticulously trained over incrementally long distances and are up for the journey. I love these birds and I would not fly them if they did not enjoy flying or if it harmed the birds.   They leave the cage and fly around everyday and return home each night on their own accord.  They really enjoy flying together.

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